Animal Seesaw Wooden Toy by Manzanita Kids

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Animal Seesaw Wooden Toy

Play.  Fully.  Creative.  Handmade Wood Toys.

It’s becoming rare for a toy’s lifespan to last longer than one child, let alone several generations, but there are some toy companies out there who are designing and creating heirloom products that are built to last.  Adrienne and David, parents of two young boys, are the creative force behind Manzanita Kids who create beautiful wooden toys right from their home in Seattle, Washington.  The wooden toys are simple, durable and made to spark your child’s imagination.  One of their awesome designs perfectly sums up their collection, which is the Animal Seesaw.

Manzanita Kids wooden Animal Seesaw  is a wonderful toy for kids that is fun, engaging and educational.  Little children, even my one year old, can begin to learn about balance and weight and the seesaw is a great way to demonstrate these new skills.  The seesaw board is made from maple wood and handcrafted with a wood rocker (in either walnut, cherry or maple) to create two equilibrium positions.

Hand-crafted to your Preference

Manzanita Kids makes each toy by hand to the specifications of the purchaser through their website.  The wooden animals you can purchase with this set come in pairs that are equal in weight so it is very easy to demonstrate how balance works on this toy and it is also really fun.  You and your child get to choose the types of animals (bears?  giraffes?  elephants?) as well as what kind of wood you would like for each pair.  Move your animals on your seesaw to watch how their weight becomes dispersed to affect the teeter totter.  The seesaw is a nice size of 9″ x 1 1/4″ x 1 1/2″ and comes in biodegradable packaging with care instructions for your wooden pieces.

Calling All Austin Teeter-Totters!  Where Are You?

Interestingly, as I had wanted to take our awesome toy fun and re-create it in the real world; I have come to realize that seesaws are not a very common piece of playground equipment in Austin.  I have had to demonstrate through pictures and videos and my own personal knowledge of teeter totters that were a staple in my childhood playground days to the girls.  Where are all the see-saws?!  Seriously, if you know of one on a public playground, let me know!  Leave it to Austin to have the only teeter-totter in the city-proper I could find at a bar on East Fifth Street (Handlebar) displayed on its rooftop.  I don’t plan on hanging with the kiddos at a bar off Sixth Street for some playground fun so for now we are having these weight and balance lessons on a miniature scale.

Wait, There’s So Much More

While the Animal Seesaw toy is quite impressive, Manzanita Kids has a wide arrange of wooden toys perfect for your family.  I am so impressed by their handmade castles and homes that kids and family can build to create their own masterpiece.  They even have pirate ships and towers you can display!  Manzanita Kids also has blocks, rattles and stackers that are beautiful and functional for kids.  These products are good for your family and the planet and I highly recommend you check them out!

Animal Seesaw Wooden Toy

List Price: $ 18.00

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