Walking Blocks (Age 4+) *Holiday Gift Recommendation*

Walking Blocks

Walking Blocks (Age 4+)

Natural Toys and Games for All!

I discovered as a tween that I shared something in common with my mom’s mom.  We both could walk on stilts!  As someone who went through wanting to be a professional ventriloquist, magician and all around entertainer, I sought out ‘tools of the trade’ and stilts was one thing I mastered.  I’d walk around on the highest setting around the house and even up stairs without fear of falling.  Then my grandmother, with a twinkle in her eye, got up on my stilts (she was probably in her 60s at the time, I assume?) and showed me her secret talent.  I was shocked and thrilled at the same time!  She…was….so…COOL!  I want to be that stilt walking granny, too!  I’d love my daughters to do the same.  It’s fun to have those secret talents that no one would expect and how fun to start young on these awesome natural walking blocks.

Walking Blocks are stilts for the younger generation made with natural hardwood with a non-toxic finish.  This is an awesome way to teach balance and self-control to young children with a nice manageable size of 5 3/4″ Tall, 3 3/4″ Wide, 3 1/2″ Deep.  At a young age, who doesn’t want to be a little bit taller, right?  The recommended age is for youngsters age four and over, although I bet my grandma could still rock these blocks off!

Walking Blocks Getting a Little Dry?  Since they are made of natural wood, it can become dry over time.  Nova Natural recommends rubbing down the product with food grade vegetable oil (like coconut oil) or they also sell something called a Beautiful Polish to apply a coat, wait 8 hours and wipe off so it’s as good as new!

Walking Blocks (Age 4+)


List Price: $ 29.00 (Price just dropped!)

6 thoughts on “Walking Blocks (Age 4+) *Holiday Gift Recommendation*

    • Ha ha! I think you would be surprised. I am not the most coordinated person and I can do stilts and the walking blocks. I think it helped me balance but it is a little scary at first when you start to learn! I am trying to remember how my mom felt about me walking around on the concrete or up stairs on them after I got good…..yikes! It’s been too long, though! Not trying that now and Brooke is still learning….

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